World Kiswahili Language Day – Mombasa

Tarehe saba mwezi wa Julai, ulimwengu mzima ulisherehekea ‘Siku ya Lugha ya Kiswahili Ulimwenguni’ kwa mara ya kwanza. Tulimhoji Bi Fathiya Omar, Mswahili na mpenzi wa lugha ya Kiswahili, kuhusu sherehe zilizofanyika kuadhimisha siku hii.
1. Tafadhali jitambulishe kwa jina, kazi yako na malengo katika kazi yako?
Jina langu ni Fathiya Omar Bayusuf; mwandishi wa habari. Nina uzoefu wa takriban miaka kumi na nne katika utangazaji na uana habari na nimefanya kwenye vitengo tofauti kuanzia gazetini, redio, na televisheni. Sasa niko katika idhaa ya Kiswahili, Ujerumani. Pembeni nina kampuni yangu ya ‘I-care Production’ inayojihusisha na uzalishaji wa mambo mbalimbali. Dhamira ya kampuni hii ni kuwasaidia wajasiriamali kukuza biashara zao kwa njia ya mawasiliano na matangazo ya biashara na pia kuiwezesha jamii kwa kuwatengenezea jukwaa la mawasiliano hususan kwa wasiojiweza. Pia tunatoa ushauri na mafunzo kwa vijana wa kike wenye vipaji. Huduma zetu ni pamoja na upigaji video na picha (videography & photography services), usimamizi wa sherehe (event services) na huduma za mawasiliano na uhusiano mwema. (PR & Communication solutions). Kwa maelezo zaidi, tupatane kwenye mitandao ya kijamii au katika ofisi zetu zilizoko Majengo, Mombasa.
2. Huu ndio mwaka wa kwanza kuadhimishwa Siku ya Lugha ya Kiswahili Duniani (World Kiswahili Language Day), je, wewe kama Mswahili, unahisi vipi kuhusu siku hii?
Ijapokuwa sisi wenyewe tumeitupa lugha, nimefurahi sana kuwa Kiswahili kimetambuliwa kimataifa. Hii tayari inatupa heshima kubwa ulimwenguni na hatua hii itatusukuma kuweza kuifufua, kuienzi, na kuikumbatia lugha yetu ya kiswahili.
3. Je kuna manufaa gani kwa jamii yetu kupewa siku kama hii?
Kwanza, lugha inapotea na tunapokonywa tunu hii na wasio Waswahili. Kwahiyo ni manufaa makubwa kwasababu jambo hili litasaidia katika kuitunza lugha yetu kwa kukizungumza kwenye mawasiliano yetu na watu.
Pili, utamaduni wa Waswahili ni mkubwa mno na hivyo siku hii itatupa jukwaa kubwa zaidi la kunadi utamaduni wetu na lugha yetu kwa ulimwengu. Kwa hiyo ni muhimu kufanya maonyesho au sherehe za kitamaduni kuonyesha chimbuko la Uswahili ni pwani ya Afrika Mashariki.
4. Kiswahili kama lugha inazidi kutambulika ulimwenguni. Mwaka huu, hotuba ya siku ya Arafah ya waislamu wanaohiji Makkah, pia imetafsiriwa kwa lugha ya Kiswahili kwa mara ya kwanza. Je una matumaini gani zaidi ya lugha yetu?
Kiswahili ni lugha inayokuwa kwa kasi duniani na kulingana na Umoja wa Mataifa, ni lugha iliyo miongoni mwa lugha 10 zinazozungumzwa na watu wengi zaidi duniani. Hii tayari inaonyesha kwamba Kiswahili kimetambulika na bado kitaendelea kukuwa zaidi. Hivyo kwetu ni maendeleo makubwa kwetu.
5. Kuna sherehe kadhaa zimepangwa kuadhimisha siku hii ya ‘World Swahili Day’. Je unaweza kutueleza zaidi kuna mipango gani yametayarishwa kuadhimisha siku hii?
Tarehe saba kulikuwa na sherehe za siku hii ambazo zilianzia eneo la Mapembeni kwa njia ya maandamano ya amani na msafara na gwaride hadi ngome ya yesu au Fort Jesus kuelekea kwenye ukumbi wa Swahili Pot ambapo tamasha kuu limefanyika.
Kulikuwa na majadiliano, midahalo, malumbano kwa njia ya mashairi, burudani ikiwamo taarab na kirumbizi. Halkadhalika, kulikuwa na maonyesho ya Kiswahili ikiwa ni pamoja na vyakula, mavazi, samani, vitabu na vyombo vya kiswahili kama vile vyungu na vyetezo. Wakati huo huo kulikuwa na hafla ya wanafunzi ambapo walishiriki kwenye mashindano ya insha, na mashairi, na kutumbuizwa kupitai hadithi na chemsha bongo.
Sherehe hizi zitaendelea kwa siku mbili zijazo ambapo itakuwa jumamosi ya tarehe 9 na 10 julai ambapo kutafanyika maonyesho ya kitamaduni ya wanaume na wanawake (kando) na ambayo itakuwa sambamba na sikukuu ya Eid-ul-Adha.
Pia kutakuwa na burudani la taarab, vugo na mashairi. Kutajadiliwa mambo mengi ya wanawake na wanaume na kutakuwa na onyesho la uanamitindo la Kiswahili au fashion show na mengine mengi zaidi.
6. Ni kina nani haswa ama vikundi gani vilivyohusika na sherehe hizi?
Tukijilinganisha na wenzetu Tanzania, wao wamepanga sherehe ya wiki nzima kuadhimisha siku hii. Hapa Kenya sherehe hizi zilifanyika kwa nguvu na juhudi za wadau mbali mbali nikiwemo kutoka I-care production, na wenzangu upande wa OTRA (Old Town Resident Association) pamoja na makavazi ya Taifa au National Museums of Kenya na wadhamini mbali mbali wakiwemo Mombasa Cement, Mombasa Maize Millers, Herbalat Ltd, Abdallah Leso, na kadhalika.
7. Ni mbinu gani tunaweza kutumia ili kufanya lugha yetu ivuke mipaka zaidi na iweze kutumika na nchi zengine ambazo si za kipwani wala kiislamu?
Kwanza ni kupitia sisi wenyewe kuithamini lugha yetu kwa kuizungumza. Pili, kwa kujivunia kuwa mswahili itakayotusaidia kuonyesha utambulisho wetu unaotuweka tofauti na wengine duniani. Tatu kwa kuendeleza utamaduni wetu kupitia matamasha na maonyesho ya kitamaduni kama wanavyofanya wenzetu Tanzania na Zanzibari. Hili litawafanya wengi kuvutiwa na kuingiwa na hamu, kutaka kukijua Kiswahili. Na maonyesho kama haya yatakapokuwa yanafanyika, basi itakuwa ni vizuri tuweze kutumia teknolojia kama sisi wanahabari ama watu katika jamii, tuweze kurekodi matukio muhimu na tuweze kuzihifadhi kumbukumbu hizi kupitia vitabu au kwenye mitandao.
8. Je una hisia gani kuhusu Sheng na Swanglish; lugha ambazo zinatumia ama kuomba maneno ya Kiswahili. Je unaona lugha hizi zinapoteza uzuri wa lugha ya Kiswahili ama ni taadhima kwetu kuwa lugha yetu inachanganyika na lugha zengine?
Kuhusu mambo ya Sheng na Swanglish, ni masikitiko makubwa kwasababu tunaipoteza asili ya lugha. Tunakiboronga. Tunakichafua kama uchafuzi wa mazingira. Hii ni hatua ya kuidhalilisha lugha na ni jambo ambalo nisingelipendelea. Tunaiacha lugha yetu inabebwa na raia wa kigeni. Nahisi twafaa kurudi nyuma tujirekebishe, tujifundishe na turudishe uswahili wetu kwenye kila kitu chetu; upande wa malezi, lugha na pia utamaduni.
9. Una nasaha yoyote ungependa kuwapa jamii yetu ya Waswahili, hususan vijana ambao wanaona haya kujitambulisha kama Waswahili?
Tusione aibu kujitambulisha kama Waswahili kwasababu unapokuwa Mswahili haimaanishi kuwa wewe hujasoma au lugha hii si ya wasomi. Ninachotaka kusema ni kuwa tujivunie kuwa Waswahili, tuienzi lugha hii kwa kuwa mabalozi wa Kiswahili. Popote tuendapo tuendee na uswahili wetu manake ndio sisi. Hivi ndivyo tulivyo. Tusiwe malimbukeni kutapia vya watu ilhali tuna vya kwetu. Lazima tuthamini vya kwetu, ikiwemo lugha yetu, na tusione haya kujitambulisha kama waswahili.
10. Una lolote la ziada ungependa kusema?
Nina mengi ya kusema lakini nnachoomba tu kwa watu, jamani hatujachelewa. Kama si sasa ni sasa hivi. Tumeweza kuchukua juhudi na twawaomba mutuunge mkono. Hivi sasa tumejaribu kufufua mambo mengi ya Kiswahili ijapokuwa tuna changamoto nyingi ikiwamo uhaba wa kifedha, lakini nina imani kuwa penye nia pana njia na umoja ni nguvu. Tutakapoweza kushirikiana na kuungana pamoja basi tutaweza kukitukuza Kiswahili daima.
On the 7th of July, the whole world celebrated ‘World Kiswahili Language Day’ for the first time. We interviewed Madam Fathiya Omar, a Swahili and a lover of the Kiswahili language about this day and the celebrations that occurred and will occur to commemorate this day.
1. Kindly tell us your name, work and your career goals?
My name is Fathiya Omar Bayusuf; a journalist. I have experience of about 14 years in journalism and I have worked in different segments including newspapers, radio and television. At the moment, I work with a Kiswahili channel in Germany. On the side, I have my own company called ‘I-care Production’ that is involved with production of different things. The main goal is to assist entrepreneurs in growing their businesses using communication and marketing solutions and also to empower the community by giving them a platform especially those who cannot afford such services.
These services include videography and photography, event services, PR and communication solutions. For more information, you can find us on social media or you can visit our offices at Majengo, Mombasa.
2. This is the first year that we celebrate ‘World Kiswahili Language Day’. As a Swahili, how do you feel about this day?
Although we have neglected our language, I am very happy that Kiswahili has been acknowledged internationally. This gives us a lot of respect worldwide and this step will push for the reawakening, valuing and embracing of our Kiswahili language.
3. Are there any benefits for the community for the coining of this day?
First of all, our language is losing its value and this gem is being taken from us by those who are not Swahilis. Therefore, it is of benefit to have this day because it will help in the preservation of the language and will encourage its frequent use in communication with other people.
Secondly, the Swahili culture is very vast and a day like this will give us a big platform to showcase our culture and language to the world. It is thus important to conduct cultural shows or celebrations that will show the origin of the Swahili at the Coast of East Africa.
4. Kiswahili as a language continues to be recognized across the globe. This year, the speech of Arafah day for those performing pilgrimage in Makkah, was also translated to Kiswahili for the first time. What hope do you have for the language in the future?
Kiswahili language is one of the fastest growing languages and according to the United Nations, it is among the ten languages that are mostly used in the world. This already shows you that Kiswahili is recognized and will continue to do so. That, for us, is a huge accomplishment.
5. There were several events lined up to celebrate ‘World Kiswahili Language Day’. Could you kindly give us more information about the plans prepared for this day?
On the 7th of July, there were celebrations that began with a procession and gwaride from the Moi Avenue Tasks until Fort Jesus and finally to Swahili Pot where the main show occurred. We had debates, discussions and poetic exchanges, entertainment including taarab and kirumbizi. There was also a display of Kiswahili culture such as food, clothing, furniture and Kiswahili items such as vyungu and vyetezo. At the same time, there was an event for students where they took part in insha competitions, mashairi and entertainment through storytelling and quizzes.
These celebrations will go on for the two coming days; Saturday the 9th and 10th of July where there shall be a cultural show for men and women separately which also coincides with Eid-ul-Adha celebrations.
There will also be entertainment such as taarab, vugo and mashairi. A lot of issues will be discussed concerning women and men and there shall be a fashion show as well as many other activities.
6. Which individuals or groups were involved in the preparations of these celebrations?
When we compare ourselves to our mates in Tanzania, they have prepared celebrations for an entire week to celebrate this day. In Kenya, these celebrations took place by the effort of different parties including myself from I-care Production, my fellows from OTRA (Old Town Resident Association), National Museums of Kenya and different sponsors including Mombasa Cement, Mombasa Maize Millers, Herbalat Ltd, Abdallah Leso among others.
7. Which techniques can we use to ensure that our language crosses more borders and be used in other countries that are neither Coastal nor Islamic?
First, it is through us; those who value the language by using it. Secondly, by being proud of our Swahili identity. This brings out our uniqueness from other people around the world. Thirdly, by encouraging the growth of our culture through cultural shows, just like our brothers and sisters do in Tanzania and Zanzibar. This will attract more people to want to know more about Kiswahili. And whenever shows like these take place, it will be best if we use technology, especially us journalists or the community, to record such important events and archive them through books or internet networks.
8. What do you feel about Sheng and Swanglish; languages that use or borrow Kiswahili words. Do you think that these languages dilute the beauty and essence of Kiswahili language or do you take it as an honour that our language is being mixed up with other languages?
When it comes to the matter of Sheng, it is saddening because we are losing the essence of our language. We are polluting it just as we pollute the environment. This is a step that diminishes the value of our language and it is not something I would support. We are letting go of our language and letting foreigners adopt it instead. I feel that we should take a step back and change that; learn the language and readapt our Swahili essence in all that we do; our nurturing, language and culture.
9. Do you have any advice you’d like to give the Swahili community, especially the youth who are ashamed to identify as Swahili?
We should not be ashamed to identify as Swahili because being Swahili does not equate being unlearned or that this language is not for the learned. What I want to say is, we should be proud of our Swahili identity; we should value our language and be its ambassadors. Wherever we go, we should carry ourselves as such because this is us, this is who we are. We shouldn’t be brainwashed into wanting what belongs to others while we have our own. We must appreciate and value what is ours, including our language, and never be ashamed to identify as Swahili.
10. Do you have anything more you’d like to say?
I have a lot to say but I plead to my people; it is not over yet. We can do this. We have been able to put in effort and we request for your support. We have tried to reawaken different matters connected to Kiswahili, and even though we have many challenges including lack of funds, I have faith that if we out our minds into this matter we shall find a way and that in our togetherness, we can achieve more. When we join hands and work together then we can honour and appreciate Kiswahili always.