The Hijabee Nation High Tea

The first ever Muslim women High tea was held in Mombasa on 27th July, different muslim women from Mombasa attended the high tea at Travellers Beach Hotel. The event hosted by Hijabee Nation, an initiative by Najma Mohamed and Sophie Ismail. The objective of the event is to bring together women from different walks of life to network but more or so to have a space to talk about issues that are affecting them. Topics included: life balance, staying positive, dealing with grieve and how to cope with every day struggles.
The event started at 5:30 with a word of prayer by Ustadha Hafswa and welcoming remarks by host Najma and Sophie. Latifa Mbarak gave presentation on being true to yourself, and then Waffia Hamid and Nana Ali both psychologist gave a small talk on understanding your mind. Zaynab Abdallah gave a chilling experience of how she dealt with loss of her husband and how she had to cope with it. The last talk was with Ustadha Hafswa on strengthening your relationship with Allah. The forum ended with Q & A session and closing remarks from Najma and sophie. People then proceeded to have tea and scrumptious cakes and snacks and a networking session with different attendees.
Most women who attended were grateful for the event because they had a space to talk about issues with fellow women and find suitable solutions to everyday life problems. Najma hopes that the future events will help many women open up and create a supportive system for Muslim women in Mombasa, her goals is “To create a platform for Muslim women to connect, share experiences/challenges and find solutions together. It should be our support system, an event we look forward to for empowerment support and just offload.”
For future events follow on
Instagram: Hijabee Nation
Facebook: Hjabee Nation
Sights from the High Tea:
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