Twaweza Live Medical Camp

Mombasa has a population of over 1.4 million according to recent census, with different kinds of people living in Mombasa. Mombasa County includes the main Island and other connecting sub areas such a Likoni from the South Side and Nyali/Bamburi/Shanzu from the North side. The multi-cultural people also categories in different economic status, which include the rich, middle class and lower class. Majority living below the poverty line, who can’t afford basic needs.
On the 27th July Safaricom (Twaweza Live) held a medical camp through the Safaricom Foundation, Safaricom Foundation invested in six community projects selected in different regions over the seven-month period, and conduct free medical camps in partnership with the Kenya Diabetes Management and Information Centre and M-TIBA. The Initiative was to give back to Mombasa County more specific to the less privilege areas. The medical camp was held in Shanzu Mwembeni Bush area. The full day camp organized and conducted by Safaricom and Mombasa County registered over 2500 people.
The medical camp offered free optical, dental, diabetes and hypertension checks, also VCT, prostate and family check. A nutritionist was also present to give healthy eating options to the residents. The attendees were first registered, and then they proceed to check their weight and height. After that they proceeded to the various tests that they need, where some did all tests. All results were given in real time, with serious cases referred to the suitable health facility. The event was also graced by Coast Artist Susumila, and from Naironi King Kaka, Mercy Masika and Njugush. The artists interacted with the attendees, and also took various test at the camp.
Many Mombasa residents suffer from different medical conditions most of them are not aware of their conditions due to lack of funds to do the test. This initiative assisted many residents in getting diagnosed and assisted in getting the right treatment for their medical issues. Life in Mombasa had the privilege of attending the event and interacting with the attendees, below are photos from the Medical Camp.
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