Grand Finale: Mombasa International Cultural Festival 2016

Published On: August 26th, 2016

The Mombasa International Cultural Festival 2016 grand finale was nothing short of spectacular,  Hon Raila Odinga graced the street carnival together with Mombasa County Governor H.E Hassan Ali Joho and Mvita MP H.E Abdulswamad Nassir from Nyerere Ave to Mama Ngina drive where  brief speeches were given and various performers from local Artist like Ally B, Kaa la moto, Susumila, Nyota Ndogo and Amoury Beyby .

At 10 pm , fireworks were displayed to officially close the cultural festival and which was then finished off with amazing performance by Kenyan renowned Sauti Sol and Tanzanian star Ali Kiba.

Sights from Sauti sol and Ali Kiba Performance:

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