Jina Langu ni Ahmed Al-Amin Ahmed

Published On: October 18th, 2017

Your name and what do you do?

Ahmed Al-Amin Ahmed also known as Papaa; I am currently the Ward Administrator for Majengo ward in Mombasa County

What is the Job description of Ward administrator?

To supervise, Coordinate and manage the general administrative functions in the ward unit including; to ensure efficient delivery of services to Mwananchi and to ensure public participation on plans regarding developments in the ward unit.

You got into politics at an early age, running for MCA 2013. Why did you decide to join politics?

Being a developmental oriented young man in my community, I was, in 23rd May 2011, elected as the youth representative for Mwembe Tayari ward into the National Youth Council of Kenya. This position opened up more opportunities for me to work and serve my community on developmental issues both socially and economically. This then raised a lot of public demand from the community that by 2013 saw me vying for the Member of County Assembly seat representative for Majengo/Mwembe Tayari ward. It wasn’t an easy position to run for; I had to sacrifice a lot in my life as a young man who still was a student at Moi University.

Who inspires you?

My best inspiration alive to date is my Father. He is a leader naturally born and always a person with great principles.

You were born and bred in old town; a lot of youth get into drugs. What do you think needs to be done to help them?

As an ‘old towner’ I am deeply concerned by the rates of young boys getting into drug addiction at a very early age of 12-18 years. Personally I had volunteered my two years at Reachout Centre Trust, an organization dealing with anti-drugs programs and Harm reduction projects, that see lots of drug users being treated and being given psycho-social support and therapies to keep them off addiction. I have gone deep into the drug dens (like Magodawni, Magodoroni and Maboxini) to socialize and interact with drug users on a personal level and even making referrals to those who are infected with TB and HIV/AIDS but do not go for treatment and medication.

As a professional social worker, my vast experience dealing with drug users, made me realize that Drug addiction is a global issue that needs a wholesome inclusiveness of each and everyone in the community. It starts at home with proper parental guidance and moves out to the community on maintaining a healthy and a conducive environment free from unlawful drugs and then the law enforcers to deal with drug traffickers.

Do you think there are enough resources for young entrepreneurs in Mombasa?

Thanks to the new constitution of Kenya for bringing Devolution into our great Nation. Resources, service delivery and citizen participation has been brought to the grassroots of the country, Mwananchi is closer to the resources than ever in Kenya. Talking of resources I mean opportunities here for all, youth have been given priority to Government Tenders through AGPO (Access to Government Procurement Opportunities), in Mombasa you just need to visit your Youth department for Enquiries and assistance; youth have access to the County Revolving Funds, in Mombasa you just need to visit your Ward Administrator’s office or YGS office for the Application forms; UWEZO funds, youths in Mombasa need to visit their Member of Parliament’s office for enquiries and application forms; Young Women have the opportunity of NGAAF (National Government Affirmative Action Fund), you need to visit your area Women representative office for the application forms; Young Entrepreneurs also have the opportunity of YEDF (Youth Enterprise Development Funds), in Mombasa visit Bima Tower for enquiry of the funds and Lastly Young Women Entrepreneurs have WEF (Women Enterprise Funds) also visit Bima tower for enquiry of the funds and more.

So young entrepreneurs wake up there’s no time to slumber.

Art in Mombasa is still emerging, but currently there isn’t enough spaces for youth to grow their Art. What can we do as residents of Mombasa to support upcoming artist? 

I love what Swahili pot hub is doing, that is an amazing initiative for the youths in Mombasa. A centre for realizing talents and exploring talents for Young Turks is all we need in Mombasa County. I even acknowledge HAKI Africa for it’s eye-opening Amani Mashinani Youth Initiative (AMYI) for youth to learn and explore outside opportunities through youth engagement activities. I even acknowledge the office of Mvita Member of Parliament for partnering with various stakeholders in ensuring talents and skills are being sponsored for through Skills Mitaani Project. The county government of Mombasa however through the Department of Youth Gender and Sports have built 7 aside football fields for residents and more to be built, and again through the department of tourism and Culture, the county Government of Mombasa has promoted culture and art through cultural festivals.

With all these initiatives, residents of Mombasa should be willing to engage their children into such opportunities.

What advice would you give to the youth of today?

Stay focused, be yourself and work smart!

Where do you see yourself ten years from now?

In shaa Allah I see myself serving my people on a higher position from what I am now.

Parting shot

Allah above all

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