Jina langu ni Nadia Naddy

Your name and what do you do?
My name is Nadia Naddy. I am an Author, a Blogger and a Female Empowerment Activist currently based in Berlin, Germany taking up my Maters in International Relations and Cultural Diplomacy.
Your recently published a book, tell us about it?
Yes, I recently published my first book under Amazons Publishing house called ‘CREATIVESPACE’. My book addresses the misconceptions about feminism, why Feminism is important and the fundamentals of women being each other’s keepers. I went deeper into understanding what this misconception is about: Through my real life experiences, quotes from men and women from different parts of the world, Religious quotes from both the Quran and Bible and Inspiring quotes to uplift oneself. This is in hopes to change people’s minds and give them a clear understanding and appreciation of the movement.
You blog a lot, did that help you in writing your first book?
It actually did, being an inspirational and motivational writer on my blog has helped me broaden my thinking capacity into coming up with a book concept that would be easily readable and understood by everyone. On my blog I use quotes and large paragraphs to get my message across, which brought me to the idea of having collective quotes and paragraphs all in a book to be easily understood and getting the message out there.
What message do you hope to send to your readers?
I hope to make them understand that feminism isn’t about favoritism of one gender over another, rather it’s a concept that should be used to bring genders together to work as one towards uplifting and respecting each other.
Where is the book available?
The Book is available on Amazon Central ($), Amazon UK and Amazon Europe (€). I also have a few books in stock as I am coming to Kenya soon, DM me on my Instagram page: fiercena_ddy to get a copy.
The tone of feminism has become angrier and more resentful, and the explanation is often that there has been a “backlash” in the culture. What do you think?
In any given situation there is bound to be backlash towards a concept or a cause that opposes traditional norms, therefore in my opinion it’s inevitable. However, I think as feminists we need to not retaliate rather take time to understand what the backlash is all about and be able to work around it so as to create an understanding towards the people and the concept itself. It wouldn’t be correct if I were to say all that feminist claim is right, however it would be wrong for me to stand and be against a cause that will uplift those in despair and join together those that feel left out i.e. The Male, Other women who feel they don’t belong and so forth.
Feminism is still frowned upon in Mombasa, are you prepared to receive the backlash?
I mentally and emotionally prepared myself to receive backlash from the society in Mombasa the moment I started writing the book. However, to my personal beliefs and research being a young feminist from Mombasa I am not going against any religious traditions. People in our society need to learn and differentiate between religious and cultural values, because our culture frowns upon empowering the women and not our religious values. And this is why I made sure I quoted both religious books, the QURAN and the BIBLE in my book to address the issue of not being able to be a feminist all cause of religious claims.
What challenges did you face writing your book?
Putting a filter on my thoughts, as I wasn’t sure it was a good idea to go all in on my thoughts on my first book. It was very challenging because I am a very straightforward and blunt person, so I decided to be less blunt and see how it would all be received.
Where do you see yourself 10 years from now?
To be honest I really don’t know. I believe in embracing each moment and opportunity as it comes. Yes I want to be able to touch people’s heart and minds through my words, my actions and the values I live by but it is something I strive as I go forward. Who knows maybe I would be the Next Oprah Winfrey…
Parting shot
Do what you strongly believe in, always stand tall no matter the circumstance and never be scared to fall. It doesn’t matter how many people believe and understand what you do, as long as you believe in it. Then it’s all what you need.