Jina langu ni Sumeiyya Shahali

Published On: April 13th, 2015

Your name and what do you do?
My name is Sumeiyya Shahali. I own antique shop.
How long have your been a shop owner?
I have been a shop owner for almost 5 months now.
How often do your receive antique items?
We receive antique furniture almost everyweek from owners who come willingly to sell the items the items to us.
What is the oldest item you ever sold at your shop?
The oldest item I have sold is a pilipili bed, a teak chess drawer which have lived for more than a century old.
What advice would you have for someone going into business for themselves?
I would advice him or her to invest in versed marketing strategy to expansively advertise the items first, to create awareness of his or her business enterprise.
Where do you see yourself ten years from now?
Am hoping to open another branch in Nairobi city and up country developing cities like Eldoret or Nakuru e.t.c
Tourism is suffering a bit right now.
What do you think county government should do about it?
The county government should increase the level of security within the local area especially that are commonly visited by foreign tourist for example at the fort jesus monument, the architectural villages at the Old town area of Mombasa,also setting up exhibition and advertising largely in our own local radio stations, these exhibition to be held at least once in every month with free or just a little fee to be paid to county government.
Do you utilize social media? If so, which ones work best for you?
I do utilize social media alot being social sites like Facebook and Olx site to advertise and sell as well. The one that works the best for me is Olx , I have received good responses through the Olx site from time to time.
If you were given kshs 50,000 to use for your shop, what would you change?
If given kshs 50, 000 I will start by repainting the place to attract more customer, buy small stuff like chandeliers, brassed plates for decorations.
Parting shot
Above all the effrorts one has, its to be noted that Allah S.W.T is the best provider.

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