Mombasa Cement (The Corrugated Group) Community Projects

Mombasa has been growing rapidly over the years. People are moving into Mombasa to make it their home. The diverse residents have created an economy that is evolving toward a better Mombasa. As the city is growing, new places are being built and created and old places are renovated to accommodate the growing city. Companies are now investing and creating better environment for Mombasa. One of the companies is Mombasa Cement, they have embarked on a journey to beautify Mombasa and create better lives for people. They have introduced various projects that have created an impact in the society, such as painting school walls, and planting trees, also fixing and painting the iconic Tusks at Moi avenue.
Established in 1958 as Venus Metal, the group has grown and risen to one of the region’s leading construction partner. Producing under the Nyumba Brand, they have dedicated themselves to be a leader among their peers, a two-fold endeavour proven by their top-tier products and their numerous corporate social responsibility programs in the region. Corporate citizenship, an award they recently won at the 2018 Mombasa Business Awards, according to Investopedia “refers to a company’s responsibilities toward society. The goal is to produce higher standards of living and quality of life for the communities that surround them.”
The company has changed the corporate citizenship game by their incalculable efforts to give back to the communities that have supported them since they started up in the late fifties. These include: The beautification of Mombasa by repair of the iconic Mombasa tusks (Pembe za Ndovu) along Moi Avenue. The iconic tusks were built in 1952 to celebrate Queen Elizabeth visit to Mombasa and have since become an unforgettable symbol associated with the coastal town. The project took over a month to touch up, repair and put on an ivory white paint coat on the iconic tusks. Another project undertaken was the building & repairing of school perimeter walls & other school structures, including construction repairs and roofing replacements. The Pantone Green Colourcot mabati used form a beautiful symmetry with the plants planted along the different school walls to create a beautiful symphony of colours.
Apart from the beautification projects, Mombasa Cement has other CSR projects that are assisting the community in various ways. One of the projects, The Relief Water Distribution has assisted residents of Banghala area and Ganahola area in Mikindani. The project started in 2017 and sees over 200,000 litres of water a day provided to the thousands of residents in the area. The distribution is done every Monday to Saturday between 8am to 5pm and with the assistance and coordination of the residents in the community. Another project that has created an impact in Mombasa is the feeding program near the railways. A small area has been allocated and built to provide an eating area safe from the elements for the homeless and needy of Mombasa island. Food is delivered every day at lunch time and in the evening. The program feeds over 1000 people per day, giving the needy a basic necessity as they go on with their day to day lives.
Mombasa Cement is a blessing to Mombasa, the company corporate responsibility to create a better environment in Mombasa and assist the less privilege. The project will create impact for the future generations, and teaching the young generation to be better citizens. Find pictures and a short video below showcasing the programs and projects.
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