Feeding Giraffes at Haller Park

Published On: September 2nd, 2015

Every day at the three o’clock at Haller Park is a feeding a fair, giraffes gather around for tasty treats.  The experience is nothing short of sticky and ticklish, you buy the food pellets at kshs 50 from the supplier. You can either place the pellets on your hand and they grab with their tongue or you can place it directly on their tongue. The feeding gives you an opportunity to be up close to the Giraffes, where you can admire their beauty of the skin.

In my experience, the feeding was fun and exciting as they grab the pellets from my hand. It was quite ticklish and sticky (note: carry hand sanitizer). The skin was glossy and beautiful, I just wanted to sit and admire.

Haller Park is under Lafarge Eco-System


Below is a slideshow of the giraffes.

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